The staff at Owls Nest Nursery will produce documentation that maps each owl’s progress as they work through the curriculum. Parents can view the folders and share the experience of observing their child’s progress and achieving their major milestones.
Each child's file contains an individual monthly plan (IMP) to map out how the next stage of their development will be reached and highlight where assistance may be needed. This will be discussed with the parents and any feedback will be documented.
Observations are logged on our online system and are broken down into long and short observations. This system is secure and can only be accessed by you and the staff here at Owls Nest Nursery.
Short observations: Staff will observe a child while carrying out an activity. The observation will be linked to the IMP and seven learning areas.
Long observations: Staff will observe a child for up to 20 minutes and make notes on how they interact or achieve. These are also linked back to the 7 learning areas in great detail.
Photo observations: Each room is equipped with a tablet to capture how a child is developing. These will also be uploaded to the online system.
All observations will be reviewed by your child’s Key Carer who will use the information to build your child's next IMP.
When a child is ready to move onto an older room, a Transition Report is written to ensure their next Key Carer understands how a child has progressed and what they have enjoyed.